Extremely decreased release of prostaglandin E-like activity from chopped lung of ethyl linolenate-supplemented rats

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Three groups of weanling male rats were reared on a fat-free diet for 13 weeks. One group received only the fat-free diet (FF rats), the other 2 groups received the fat-free diet and a daily supplement of 2 energy% ethyl linoleate ([n-6] rats), or 2 energy% ethyl linolenate ([n-3] rats). The chopped lung preparation was used to illustrate an in vitro prostaglandin formation. PGE-like activity was quantified on rat stomach strip. The release of PGE-like activity expressed as ng PGE-equivalent per g lung tissue (mean±SD) was 23±7,
Udgave nummer10
Sider (fra-til)691-695
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 1 okt. 1983

ID: 45563307