Molecular cloning and pharmacology of functionally distinct isoforms of the human histamine H(3) receptor

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The pharmacology of histamine H(3) receptors suggests the presence of distinct receptor isoforms or subtypes. We herein describe multiple, functionally distinct, alternatively spliced isoforms of the human H(3) receptor. Combinatorial splicing at three different sites creates at least six distinct receptor isoforms, of which isoforms 1, 2, and 4, encode functional proteins. Detailed pharmacology on isoforms 1 (unspliced receptor), and 2 (which has an 80 amino acid deletion within the third intracellular loop of the protein) revealed that both isoforms displayed robust responses to a series of known H(3) agonists, while all agonists tested displayed increased potency at isoform 2 relative to isoform 1. Histamine, N(alpha)-methylhistamine, and R(-) and S(+)-alpha-methylhistamine are 16-23-fold more potent, while immepip and imetit are three to fivefold more potent. Antagonist experiments revealed a rank order of potency at both isoforms of clobenpropit>iodophenpropit>thioperamide, and these drugs are fivefold less potent at isoform 2 than isoform 1. To further explore the pharmacology of H(3) receptor function, we screened 150 clinically relevant neuropsychiatric drugs for H(3) receptor activity, and identified a small number of antipsychotics that possess significant antagonist activity.

Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)929-40
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2002

ID: 138314969